Larry Page And The Butt-Hole Banditos Of Google Are Such Very, Very, Angry People

By Laura Winston

The HR people at Google, YouTube and the rest of the Google cartel, specifically seek out and hire Furries (people who dress up in dog and cat costumes in order to have sex), Fatties (obese women with tattoos, Betty Page haircuts and 50's outfits), Spikies (people with spiked hair and too much eye-liner), Nosies (People with a single nose ring), and other angry, social outcasts that love the anus but hate normal society. These kinds of people feel compelled to look weird, color their hair weird, be offended by everything and buy into the Google cult that Page carefully cultivates. Google is considered to be the most homosexual company in America. Google also has the highest STD rate of any company in America, has executives who hire the most sex workers of any company in America and has the most sex related lawsuits of any company.

People that work at Google are hired for their rage and their ability to aim it at whoever Larry Page hates that week.